
New developments and existing operations are scrutinized as never before in regards to the manner in which they might impact the environment. The qualified environmental professionals at IEC INTERNATIONAL undertake a significant number of environmental assessments of marine, freshwater, and upland projects for a variety of clients.

Through the implementation of a proactive and environmental adaptive management strategy, IEC INTERNATIONAL staff address all environmental resource and concerns, including: Riparian Area Regulations; S.P.E.A.; rehabilitation; restoration; habitat enhancement; monitoring; interfacing with local, provincial and federal authorities; remediation', and troubleshooting. Our approach results, not only in improving local environmental and living condition but also attracting businesses, and increasing the economic value of the development. Four key steps to our strategy include:

Identification of all environmental values through a comprehensive inventory/identification program including: terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic and riparian ecosystems; locations and habitats of species at risk; and, special features such as wildlife trees.
Generation of final development plans that include mitigating measures which address all key identified natural environmental resources. The precautionary principle may be applied if situations occur where significant impacts could arise.
Implement & Monitor:
Monitoring the implementation of the development to insure than environmental degradation is minimized.
Evaluate & Adjust:
Evaluating the success or failure of the overall environmental adaptive strategy and, if required, adjust the project to significantly improve future environmental trends.

A brief summary of projects/publications carried out by IEC INTERNATIONAL may be found at the following links.

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